On Sun, Sep 01, 2013 at 05:57:57AM -0700, MartinHvidberg wrote:
> I'm returning to GPG, and Enigmail, and not for the first time. This means
> that I have earlier generated key-pairs and uploaded them to servers like
> keys.pgp.net or something like that. I did this first time in 1999 and have
> done several new attempts later, and now have seven key-pairs on the server.
> Latest I have generated a key-pair in 2011.
> Unfortunately, every time my use of GPG fades out, because non of my
> contacts really join in. And it's not much fun exchanging signed and
> encrypted mails with myself :-)
> This time, with all the media on governments peeping into peoples private
> mails, I think I have a better chance to get many of my friends to jump
> on-bord.
> My problem:
> I stead of generating yet another key-pair, how do I revitalise on of my
> existing key-pairs.
> This said, I have only what I can download from a key-server, and I do in
> fact remember the password, for some of them.
> Do the key-server have all the information I need to re-use an existing
> key-pair (provided I remember the password)?
> Or do I need to get one of my old computers up and running, hoping to find
> some sort of key file there.
> If you can point to any online material, tutorial or the likes, that do not
> start with 'Generate a key-pair' then I would appreciate the a lot... :-)
> Best regards
> Martin Hvidberg
> Latest fingerprint: D3DA 61B7 610C E8A1 75C7 1DA1 0B24 7DB3 4AF0 1B83

Cheers Martin.

You will have to find your old keys on one of your machines.  
Otherwise make a new pair.  hint if make new pair, make a revoke cert for it, 
but saved in a safe place.  So you can revoke it if you lose the secret 

And for more paraniod leaning about key stubs (secret key without main key, 
just the sub keys)


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