On 20/08/13 22:37, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
>> You're trying to install a version released in 2002 on an OS released in 
>> 2012.
> True, but Red Hat support their major releases for 10 years, so implying
> that the O.P.'s release is obsolete is a bit extreme.

I didn't mean to say the OS is old or obsolete :). I meant the GnuPG version was
much older than the OS, so people don't usually make such a combination, hence
people don't build those binaries.

(Actually, RHEL 5 is from 2007, I only looked at the release date of the update,
so I accidentally made it sound more extreme than it was)

> The 5.9 has gnupg2-2.0.10-3.el5.1.i386 as its current release

It might make a lot of sense to install the latest (or at least a recent and
supported) version of the 1.4 tree. Or it might make sense to install 2.0 as you
say, but the upgrade path from 1.2.1 to 1.4.x is easier.



I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
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