On 05/21/2013 05:06 PM, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Tue, 21 May 2013 18:28, hhhob...@securemecca.net said:
>> 5. At the of the PATH you add:
>>    ;C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\
>>    (if it already has a ";" at the end you only need one
>>     semi-colon)
> You should not add this but 
>     ;C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\pub

I stand corrected.  This means NOTHING needs to be
added to the PATH if pub is in the PATH AND if you just
use gpg.exe.  You have both gpg.exe and gpg2.exe in the
pub folder.  One of the commands given to gpg2.exe
attempted to open Kleopatra.  If you want Kleopatra,
use the GUI tools.  You are bound to have a collision
with some of those DLL files in the GnuPG folder sooner
or later.  Yes, I looked at ALL of the DLL file names.

But you don't run the gpg.exe command from the Start -> Run
of Windows XP.  You run it from a command window (cmd.exe)
that is ever present until you close the command window.

You can put a "pause" in a BAT file and that WILL stop
a temporary cmd.exe that was messaged from a double click
on a BAT file from closing.  In my UnixUtil scripts an
echo of a message and then a read does the same thing.
It hangs until you press the Enter key.  But once you
tap Enter, the temporary command window closes and

But you can NOT run a command from the Start -> Run of
Windows XP / 2003 Server without the windows immediately
closing once the program or BAT file is finished.  I
thought this was common knowledge for Windows users.
I must be wrong because they took that run feature out
of Windows 7.  On Windows 7 you have no option but to
start a stationary cmd.exe and once that is done this
problem goes away.

Just remember to use gpg.exe in the command window
instead of gpg2.exe if you run into problems.

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