On 05/21/2013 08:48 AM, Lema KB wrote:
> thanks for your replies
> i do have gnupg4win-2.1.0.exe.
> i wanted just to pen this Kleopatra.exe under another user (on cmd using
> runas command) to see the list of keys. but it says it's missing
> libkleo.dll file. but it opens from start-menu.
> where i find this file, or what does it mean?
> thanks in advance

They are in:


That is usually (if %SystemDrive% is C:):
C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\

If you need them in the cmd.exe then just add the REAL folder
(don't use %ProgramFiles%) to your PATH.  To do that on Windows 7:

1. Right click on My Computer on desktop and click Properties
2. In the System Properties Windows click on the Advanced tab
3. In the Advanced section click the Environmmnt Variables button
4. Select the PATH (may be Path) variable then click Edit
5. At the of the PATH you add:
   ;C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\
   (if it already has a ";" at the end you only need one
6. Save the change and then OK your way back out.

You will probably have to logout and then log back in.
libkleo.dll, kleopatra.exe, gpg2.exe and all the other files
associated with 2.0 are in this folder.  There may be others
but if they are they will be in C;\Windows\system32 which
ia already in the PATH.

I don't have gpg 1.x on Windows.  If I remmber correctly gpg
1.x is also in the same folder.  If so then just typing gpg
on the command line will also work if you have the GnupG version
one.  IOW:

C:\> gpg.exe --list-keys

should list your keys.  If you have gpg2.exe in your PATH,
it should now pop-up Kleopatra to show the keys once
this folder is added to your PATH environment variable:

C:\> gpg2.exe --list-keys

You can always use Windows Explorer or My Computer and ask it
to find gpg.exe or gpg2.exe.  If it finds only one then that is
what you have.  Since you specified gnupg4win-2.1.0.exe there
will be no gpg.exe, just a gpg2.exe.

I leave it as an exercies to you in how to turn off that dumb
hide files misfeature.  While your at it, you may as well set
it to show the entire file name.


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