Hey David et all,

first: GPGTools Installer does indeed contain Enigmail and allows installation. 
Not sure if it has the latest version since Mozilla's crazy versioning means 
lots of maintenance and we couldn't find a way to automate including new 
Enigmail versions. Also not sure if it is smart to include it in the future. 
We'd have to find some smart mechanism to deal with updates.

David, which list are you referring to? GPGTools mailing list? If so, I'm not 
so sure what you write is correct. Can't recall anybody ever was told to shove 
off. We had the Inline vs. GPG/MIME discussion in the GPGTools Project and have 
made a decision for PGP/MIME since we believe that it is the future and is a 
documented standard. If mailing-list software has issues it is at the devs of 
that software to step up and continue development of their software. The fact 
that Werner even wrote a patch which seems to have been ignored is even more 

If Enigmail encounters problems with mails encrypted with GPGTools, we'll be 
happy to work things out with Patrick from the Enigmail team. And I know that 
the GPGTools project was in direct contact with him. So I don't really see the 
drama. Let's try to be constructive and solve problems. Not cause some where 
there aren't any.

And as always: feel free to write a patch. :)



> Signierter PGP Teil
> > Why to move it to Enigmail list? That email which you quoted doesn't
> > have mention Enigmail. As far as I know, GPGTools doesn't even include
> > Enigmail.
> Yup and I was on there list too - and effectively told to shove off when I 
> pointed out
> errors in enigmail - they don't like testing and error reporting - so kfuc em

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