On Tue, 22 May 2012 09:23:36 -0400
Robert J. Hansen articulated:

>On 5/22/12 8:12 AM, Jerry wrote:
>> Seriously, have you forgotten to take your meds today?
>Let's not be mean.
>I will be the absolute first person demanding the right to criticize
>ideas as harshly as I want.  I'll happily call an idea stupid,
>ill-informed, wrong, or anything else.  I do this with a clear
>conscience because I know that I'm not my ideas, just like nobody else
>is theirs.
>But I don't ever want to the the first person to be calling *people*
>those things.  People are special, precious, and often fragile.  Our
>community is made up of these rare commodities, and it behooves us to
>treat other people with dignity and respect and consideration.
>Let's not be mean.

Sorry, I did not mean it to sound that way. I have worked with people
that when they forget to take their medication are absolutely paranoid
beyond belief. You have no doubt heard the phase, "Only sick people
take drugs; therefore, if I don't take drugs I am not sick." Many
paranoid, schizophrenics rationalize skipping their medication on just
that sort of logic. What really amazed me though was that the OP wants
security and yet he uses GMail. "GMail" and "security" are
diametrically opposed concepts.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to put new aluminum foil up on my

Jerry ♔

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