On 01/06/2012 09:30 PM, Hauke Laging wrote:
> Am Samstag, 7. Januar 2012, 01:41:48 schrieb remesh_chan...@dell.com:
>> pub  1024D/5XXXXX11 2005-08-08 ABC DEF GHI
>> sub  6000g/99999993 2011-01-01
>> We are used to encrypting by providing the email account reference in the
>> -recipient option. Since this one just has a phrase (ABC DEF GHI), we are
>> unable to do so. The vendor's suggestion is to use their key id
>> (0x5XXXXX11) to do the encryption. Is this possible? If yes, what is the
>> command to do so?
> gpg --encrypt --recipient 5XXXXX11 file.txt
> gpg --encrypt --recipient "ABC DEF GHI" file.txt
> gpg --encrypt --recipient D44C6A5B71B0427CCED3025CBD7D6D27ECCB5814 file.txt
> (with the key's fingerprint instead of mine, of course)

even better, if you prefix the keyID with 0x gpg will automatically
interpret it as such.

Read the "HOW TO SPECIFY A USER ID" section in the gpg manpage for more



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