Mike Acker wrote:
> thanks for the note
> i have PGP/MIME set ON so this should not happen (and HTML has to be MIMEd )
> from your note it sounds like Thunderbird is sending BOTH .txt and .html
> formats.  I would expect your e/mail client to selecvt one of these --
> and either should verify -- which would mean the message has to carry
> two signatures
> we might see if anyone on the list has any info on this...

Compose window: Options --> Format --> Plain and Rich (HTML) text

Default behavior: main Window: Tools --> Options --> Composition -->
    Send Options --> Text Format

John P. Clizbe                      Inet:   John (a) Enigmail DAWT net
FSF Assoc #995 / FSFE Fellow #1797  hkp://keyserver.gingerbear.net  or

Q:"Just how do the residents of Haiku, Hawai'i hold conversations?"
A:"An odd melody / island voices on the winds / surplus of vowels"

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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