Enigmail allows only 1024, 2048 and 4096. I have never heard of that,
but even still I would personally choose the largest key for the time
being till RSA becomes obsolete. Is there anything larger than 4096
since you mentioned values unknown to me?

On 22/03/2011 05:17 PM, MFPA wrote:
> Hi
> On Tuesday 22 March 2011 at 7:43:23 PM, in
> <mid:20110322194323.ga1...@imac-6g2p.mgh.harvard.edu>,
> lists.gn...@mephisto.fastmail.net wrote:
>> There is a greater margin of security in a 4096-bit key
>> over a 2048-bit key (all other factors being equal)
> Is there any particular reason to jump from 2048 to 4096 rather than
> use an intermediate value? 3072 maybe?

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