I use a screen reader called JAWS For Windows. The GUI is not screen
reader accessible, meaning I can not use the Arrow keys, Tab, Shift+Tab
and any other navigational keys to use the GPA utility like you can with
the mouse. I really hate that; people have no idea how much it annoys
me. I might write to the GPG4WIN developers if I can track down their
information. The command-line utility of GnuPG is more verbose than that.

On 14/03/2011 03:56 AM, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Mar 2011 01:40, k...@grant-olson.net said:
>> - GPG4WIN is the right package to install gpg2 on windows, so you've got
>> the right installer.  It's a shame GPA doesn't work with a screen reader.
> What is the problem with GPA?  It is a plain gtk+ application and thus
> should have the same features and problems as other gtk+ applications.
> Salam-Shalom,
>    Werner

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