On 3/11/11 3:50 PM, Jonathan Ely wrote:
> Hello. I use Enigmail, so of course I have GnuPG installed. I use 1.4.9
> because [1] I can not find an executable for 2.0.17 for Windows, and [2]
> I do not know how to configure the GPG-agent. Can somebody please assist
> me with upgrading to 2.0.17 and configuring the agent? For about a week
> I have been searching everywhere but found nothing. I did install
> GPG4WIN then uninstalled it because I could not figure out how to use
> the agent and the GPA utility is not screen reader accessible. Thanks in
> advance for your help.
> PS. I am blind and use a screen reader. Everything must be 100% keyboard
> accessible.

Sorry, I don't have any windows boxes around right now, but did want to
provide two notes.

- GPG4WIN is the right package to install gpg2 on windows, so you've got
the right installer.  It's a shame GPA doesn't work with a screen reader.

- The 1.4 branch is still supported and maintained in parallel with the
2.0 branch.  If 1.4.9 is working for you, just stick with 1.4.9, or
perhaps upgrade to 1.4.11.


"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."

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