When I run the "gpg2 -h" command I get a result that is a mixture of
English and Swedish words, which does not make a lot of sense.

I am running Windows XP-Pro *English* version but because I am in
Sweden I use the Swedish keyboard.
I DON'T want to have anything fed back from programs like gpg in
Swedish, though....
It beats me why a program like gpg should detect the keyboard type and
change its language like this, language setting should be a volontary
change by the user always! Just think how good it would be for an
English speaking user to try and use a PC that happened to be set for
say a Slovenian keyboard. Not possible to understand the output,

So how can I change gpg such that it sends its responses in English
only? I have checked gpg.conf, but there is no language setting there.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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