On 11/20/2010 06:24 PM, Jerry wrote:
> He prefixed the groups mailing address: <gnupg-users@gnupg.org> with
> "Jerry on GnuPG-Users". 

Yes MFPA always seems to do that, for no reason that i understand.  I
find it unusual, unhelpful, and disorienting, but: meh.  Not worth
fighting about, and it's certainly not on-topic for this list.  I'm
responding to the list here to respect your Reply-To header, Jerry, but
please respect mine on this thread and follow up off-list if you must
follow up at all.

Let's keep gnupg-users about helping people use GnuPG, not about
discussing unusual mail user agent configurations that have nothing to
do with OpenPGP or S/MIME.



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