On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 04:37:32 -0500
Charly Avital <shavi...@mac.com> articulated:

> Bo Berglund wrote the following on 11/17/10 1:33 AM:
> > Is it possible to use GPG on Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)?
> I am running Gpg4win 2.0.4 on a desktop Acer Inspire, under Windows 7
> Home Premium 64bits.
> For test only. I am a Macintosh user, the Acer (incredible machine)
> is a present from the family.
> > We have kept using Gpg4Win 1.1.4 for some time since when we tried
> > the version 2.0.0 it killed certain functions on our PC:s (I think
> > for instance Outlook went haywire).
> Outlook (Office 2007) recognizes gpg 2.0.14, but the interaction, IMO,
> is unreliable.
> For an example, Outlook strips in-line signed messages of what it
> calls "extra line-returns" (?), therefore invalidating the signature.

PGP in-line is deprecated anyway. Personally, it is a distraction when
I have to strip that crap out of messages when replying. Worse, it
invalidates "sig-delimiters". I would call this a _welcome_ feature
from Outlook. In any case, Outlook 2007 is deprecated also. Comparing a
nearly four year old version is counter productive. Update to the 2010
version and see if your problems still exist.

> Encrypted and signed messages are processed correctly.
> I have still to text interaction with Thunderbird+Enigmail.
> > But now our IT person says GPG does not work on Windows 7, so what
> > is the final verdict here?

Windows 7 (32) or (64) bit? I have heard of problems with GPG not
working correctly with the 64 bit system due to problems with the GPG
libraries not being true 64 bit.

> I am far, far from being an IT person. I am just an empirical end-user
> > 
> > We use GPGee for encrypting files since we cannot use Outlook email
> > encryption, so we need this to work in the Explorer for Windows 7
> > too.


Jerry ✌
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