On 07/23/2010 09:51 AM, ved...@nym.hush.com wrote:
>> From: Andre Amorim <an...@amorim.me>
>> Do we have a "plausibly deniable" option ?
> [1] hiding the identity of the encryption:
> The 'throw-keyids' option hides which keys the message is encrypted  to
> The government can claim, that in order to prove that you did not 
> encrypt this, it must try all the keys in your possession

I think there is some confusion in this post about the nature of public
key cryptography.  There is no way to cryptographically prove the
authorship of an arbitrary encrypted document.  Anyone with access to
the public key material (which is to say, anyone in the world) can
encrypt messages to a given key.

There is no way to "prove that you did not encrypt" a message.


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