On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 02:44:44PM +0100, Iain Rae wrote:

> >The RIPA is a particularly nasty piece of legislation in this respect.
> >  
> I've often wondered what the situation would be if you'd set your 
> password to
> "go and F**k yourself"
> and were then required to provide it under the RIP bill.
> At the very least it would make for a very entertaining interview.

The other thing to bear in mind is that there have been some recent cases of
people impersonating policemen - so you do need to ask them to identify
themselves and prove who they are. If you do not then you would fall foul
of the data protection act.

Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT 
+44 (0) 787 668 0256  http://www.phcomp.co.uk/
Parliament Hill Computers Ltd. Registration Information: 
Past chairman of UKUUG: http://www.ukuug.org/
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