reynt0 wrote the following on 8/22/08 5:10 PM: [...] > Here's a url for what seems to be the technical > description, at (found by search there): > <> > > What's available via the link at the online ScienceNews > article seems to require a login.
Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it. When attempting to access the URL you indicated: <> I get a page with: *********** No paper 'arXiv:804.0122' The identifier you have specified (arXiv:804.0122) appears to be invalid. Please inform [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you believe that the identifier should correspond to a valid paper in arXiv. ********* I have searched the arXiv site for that paper identifier, no luck, but lots of articles on quantum encryption (searching by 'quantum encryption'), and I'm looking through them. In my system, the URL: <> displays the article in ScienceNews right away, without any need for login. I am not a subscriber to ScienceNews, and the URL was sent to me by a friend who shares my interest in encryption issues. Thanks again for your *positive* and helpful feedback. Charly _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list