
today I've made some tests with gnupg and vista.

Everything works fine, but at the moment, gnupg has to communicate with
any external keyserver, I get this result:

gpg: searching for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
gpgkeys: this keyserver type only supports key retrieval
gpg: keyserver communications error: Dateilesefehler
gpg: Suche auf dem Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: Dateilesefehler

When using the --debug all option, I get the same output (firstline is
config-dir, the rest is the same).

This error comes very fast. GnuPG does not search for hostnames or any
other external recource.

While these tests, the firewall was disabled.

The same commands on a winXP-System are working correct.

Can somebody verify this problem or know how I can solve it ?

I know, some people here hates Vista, me to, but as software-developer I
have to use it...:-(



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