On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 02:40:33PM +0100, Peter Palfrader wrote:

> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/gpg$ gpg --edit test1
> [..]
> | Command> notation [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> | No notations on user ID "test1"
> | Adding notation: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [..]
> [just doing 'notation [EMAIL PROTECTED]' is not allowed.]
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/gpg$ gpg --list-options show-notations --list-sigs
> | pub   1024D/A12B80B9 2006-03-09 [expires: 2006-03-16]
> | uid                  test1
> | sig 3    N   A12B80B9 2006-03-09  test1
> |    Signature notation: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> | sub   2048g/7FAFEDE3 2006-03-09 [expires: 2006-03-16]
> | sig          A12B80B9 2006-03-09  test1
> it seems that this part doesn't work.

That's actually a feature.  I didn't explain it too well in the
manual.  Basically the problem is that zero-length notations are legal
in OpenPGP.  So if there was a [EMAIL PROTECTED] notation on the sig
already, then [EMAIL PROTECTED] would remove it.  If there was no
[EMAIL PROTECTED] notation on the sig already, then [EMAIL PROTECTED]
would be added as a zero-length notation.

Let's make it simpler: I just added the ability to delete notations
directly by using a minus sign prefix like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Given these notations:

if you use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" you'll delete that specific
notation.  If you use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" you'll delete all three.

> Also, is issuing a notation again with the same key supposed to replace
> an existing notation, or should it - as it does now - add a second
> notation with the same key?

I went back and forth on this a few times, as I can see a good
argument for either replacement or adding a second notation, but
finally went with the current behavior as more flexible.  It's easy
enough to change if it doesn't work out well in the field.  Note that
this only applies to key matches.  Adding a completely matching
notation (both key and value) is skipped.


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