On Wed, 08 Mar 2006, David Shaw wrote:

> > Thanks, that seems to work (as does --expert and sign).
> If you're tracking SVN, try the latest.  I've added a notation command
> under --edit-key.

Great, thanks.  Adding notations and removing all of them works just

According to the manual page, setting an empty value should remove a

|                notation  Set  a  name=value  notation for the specified user
|                          ID(s).  See --cert-notation for more  on  how  this
|                          works.  Setting a value of "none" removes all nota-
|                          tions, and setting a name  with  no  value  removes
|                          that notation alone.


| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/gpg$ gpg --list-options show-notations --list-sigs
| pub   1024D/A12B80B9 2006-03-09 [expires: 2006-03-16]
| uid                  test1
| sig 3        A12B80B9 2006-03-09  test1
| sub   2048g/7FAFEDE3 2006-03-09 [expires: 2006-03-16]
| sig          A12B80B9 2006-03-09  test1

| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/gpg$ gpg --edit test1
| Command> notation [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| No notations on user ID "test1"
| Adding notation: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[just doing 'notation [EMAIL PROTECTED]' is not allowed.]

| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/gpg$ gpg --list-options show-notations --list-sigs
| pub   1024D/A12B80B9 2006-03-09 [expires: 2006-03-16]
| uid                  test1
| sig 3    N   A12B80B9 2006-03-09  test1
|    Signature notation: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| sub   2048g/7FAFEDE3 2006-03-09 [expires: 2006-03-16]
| sig          A12B80B9 2006-03-09  test1

it seems that this part doesn't work.

Also, is issuing a notation again with the same key supposed to replace
an existing notation, or should it - as it does now - add a second
notation with the same key?

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