Doug Barton wrote:
> Bob Henson wrote:
>> Put it the other way round - what useful purpose do they serve? I haven't
>> seen one yet, ergo they are junk.
> Um, until you actually get appointed ruler of the universe, you don't get to 
> make that decision for everyone else. :) Seriously though, I interact with a 
> lot of people that get their keys from the GD (their choice, and I'm not in 
> a position to argue), so I need to have my key there, and it needs to be 
> signed by the GD system. You can argue whether what is doing is 
> wrong all day long, but it is what it is, and therefore I need to be 
> compatible with it. Thus, I really like the clean options, and have the 
> following in my gpg.conf which works splendidly:
> import-options import-clean-sigs import-clean-uids
> export-options export-clean-sigs export-clean-uids
> keyserver-options import-clean-sigs import-clean-uids export-clean-sigs 
> export-clean-uids
>> It may do with the nightly builds, but it doesn't yet work on the release
>> version of GPG.
> I don't know what you mean about "release version of GPG," but the above 
> works fine with 1.4.2 on both Windows and FreeBSD.

A P.S. to the last message. I added the above lines and tried again, and
neither refreshing a key from the keyserver, uploading a key, nor
downloading a new key cause the "clean" to run.

I must be doing something silly in the set-up. I created a new file in the
same directory as gpg.exe (OK?) called gpg.conf (OK?) and added to it
*exactly* your lines above (not line wrapped in the case of the third line.
I exited Thunderbird, restarted, and tried the keyserver procedures above.
No joy. Does that sound correct?

Maybe it doesn't work via Enigmail? I'm using GPG 1.4.2 via Enigmail I checked the doc file I got with GPG 1.4.2 and whilst it lists
the import/export-options "clean" command there is no equivalent
key-server-option "clean" command listed - this may just be an oversight in
the doc file, of course.

I'll away and try exporting my keyring to see what happens.



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