[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:1115810734.3667.233878576__
> - How do I proceed further ?

Turn on debugging in enigmail.  It's the last tab under preferences.
This will show you what errors you are getting.

> - Is there a better way to import public keys into enigmail ?

I do it this way all the time.

> - where is the public key ring stored by enigmail ?

That's up to you.  I have a variable set in my system, GNUPGHOME, that 
sets the directory for gpg to use.  If you don't have one of these set, I 
believe that it defaults to the directory that it is run from, but I 
could be wrong.

I also have the following line in a batch file that I use to locate keys:

gpg --search-keys --keyserver pgp.mit.edu %1

So you can try it manually and see if the key is locatable.  Note that 
this means that gpg has to be in the PATH.


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