On Tuesday 24 May 2005 09:55, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Tue, 24 May 2005 06:41:24 +0200, Chris  said:
> > How can I use the smartcard in KMail? I cannot choose its keys in the
> > Identity management.
> Does "gpg -K" list your key?  This is what Kmail displays.

No, gpg -K does not list anything.

I have removed the ~/.gnupg directory and issued "gpg --card-status" again. 
"gpg -K" does still not list anyting...

> You are using a decent Kmail (with all the crypto tabs in the
> configuration dialog and the requirement for gpg-agent)?

I am using KMail 1.7.2.

> > Using a key from the harddrive does work without problems.
> For gpg it makes no difference whether the key is on the disk or on
> the card.  This is because we create a "stub"- secret key for every
> card key.  gpg -K will show you the serial number of the cards
> associated with that secret key.
> If you generated the card key on another machine, please run "gpg
> --card-status" once on the new machine to create such a stub key.
> Shalom-Salam,
>    Werner

What am I doing wrong? Any help is highly appreciated!

Best regards,

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