Just to also throw another option out there. Since we now have a REST API we may even want to consider writing it in something else than C:

Even if we write it in C, we may want to use the REST API, it would theoretically make it easier to do graphical remote or container administration.

In any case, I do not mind using RAD again, but calling the output of glade and friends something other than madness did not really look into what those XML files look like. They are unmaintainable, unless the tool continues to work and you know how to use it.

Maybe GtkBuilder and hand-crafted XML files is a good compromise?


On 28.02.24 01:20, Jacki wrote:
Exactly. In GTK3 you can still use Glade but import the UI files via
GtkBuilder. In GTK4 they adjusted widgets quite a bit. So instead of
Glade you need to use Cambalache because Glade won't be ported over. In
fact Cambalache is developed by one of the core contributors behind

Since Camabalache is still in development we could port over to GTK3
using GtkBuilder with designing UI in Glade though. The required
changes from GTK3 to GTK4 shouldn't be huge in most cases. Cambalache
also supports converting the UI files from GTK3 to GTK4.

I think GNOME published a blog post for porting from GTK3 to GTK4 as

But I assume it's also possible to use Cambalache already. Most
important functionality should work.


On Tue, 2024-02-27 at 20:58 +0100, Christian Grothoff wrote:
Let me just say this: using a RAD tool like Glade is just the only
logical thing, it is 1000% more productive for UX development then
the building of Gtk objects by hand. So for the sake of sanity,
use *some* RAD tool. Besides, AFAIK GtkBuilder isn't deprecated, just
Glade itself is being rewritten/replaced.  We used Glade for quite a
while despite it being WIP/in beta, with GNOME's reluctance to
something stable I'm not sure a WIP RAD tool is inherently a bad
But I *am* sure that doing gtk_box_add() by hand is the road to
insanity.  So I would very strongly recommend using Cambalance ---
to use the opportunity to clean up the GUIs ;-).

On 2/27/24 20:51, Schanzenbach, Martin wrote:
I think our use of glade is historical.
It just made sense to somebody (not me, my guess is Christian).

I personally have no issue with moving away from glade as RAD tool
as I
find it very cumbersome myself.
Note, however, that it will also mean writing a lot of code that is
currently hidden behind those glade XML files.

OTOH moving to a WIP RAD tool is also not such a smart idea, maybe.
that depends on the maturity of cambalanche, which I cannot judge
right now as I have never tried it.


On 27.02.24 20:19, Gotam Gorabh wrote:
Hello Martin,

     Note that migration from gtk3 to gtk4 especially for gnunet-
gtk is
     trivial: We use libglade, which does not exist for gtk4.
     We will need to decide if we want to migrate to something
https://blogs.gnome.org/xjuan/2023/09/28/cambalache-0-16-0-released/ <
d/> or
     something different entirely.

Why can't we use the proper GObject concept like other gnome
application does? E.g. GNOME Settings,  Nautilus, etc. which can
handle the properties, and signals in a structured way.

Thanks. Regards

Gotam Gorabh

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