Let me just say this: using a RAD tool like Glade is just the only logical thing, it is 1000% more productive for UX development then doing the building of Gtk objects by hand. So for the sake of sanity, please use *some* RAD tool. Besides, AFAIK GtkBuilder isn't deprecated, just Glade itself is being rewritten/replaced. We used Glade for quite a while despite it being WIP/in beta, with GNOME's reluctance to declare something stable I'm not sure a WIP RAD tool is inherently a bad idea. But I *am* sure that doing gtk_box_add() by hand is the road to insanity. So I would very strongly recommend using Cambalance --- and to use the opportunity to clean up the GUIs ;-).

On 2/27/24 20:51, Schanzenbach, Martin wrote:
I think our use of glade is historical.
It just made sense to somebody (not me, my guess is Christian).

I personally have no issue with moving away from glade as RAD tool as I find it very cumbersome myself. Note, however, that it will also mean writing a lot of code that is currently hidden behind those glade XML files.

OTOH moving to a WIP RAD tool is also not such a smart idea, maybe. But that depends on the maturity of cambalanche, which I cannot judge myself right now as I have never tried it.


On 27.02.24 20:19, Gotam Gorabh wrote:
Hello Martin,

    Note that migration from gtk3 to gtk4 especially for gnunet-gtk is not
    trivial: We use libglade, which does not exist for gtk4.
    We will need to decide if we want to migrate to something like
<https://blogs.gnome.org/xjuan/2023/09/28/cambalache-0-16-0-released/> or
    something different entirely.

Why can't we use the proper GObject concept like other gnome application does? E.g. GNOME Settings,  Nautilus, etc. which can handle the properties, and signals in a structured way.

Thanks. Regards

Gotam Gorabh

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