hello Jean, 
thanks for your fast response :-) 
>> Introspection 
> GObject Introspection does not support long double as far as I know, so 
> you most probably need to choose between introspection and long double. 
I'll put it aside for the moment, will still try to learn about introspection in
general, starts with manual reg. python and real-life not looking very well synced ... 
>> - GDA support - libgda is criticized already by 'double' builds in 
> libgda uses meson, read https://mesonbuild.com/Running-Meson.html if 
> you don't know how to make it run. Be certain to build wit ui support 
> otherwise libgda-ui will not be built. Note that the debian package 
> misses it. 
a new field for 'fun with linux':
meson.build:254:2: ERROR: Dependency "json-glib-1.0" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake 
└─# apt-get install json-glib-1.0                                                           100 ⨯ 
Reading package lists... Done 
Building dependency tree... Done 
Reading state information... Done 
Note, selecting 'libjson-glib-1.0-common' for regex 'json-glib-1.0' 
Note, selecting 'libjson-glib-1.0-0' for regex 'json-glib-1.0' 
libjson-glib-1.0-0 is already the newest version (1.6.6-1). 
libjson-glib-1.0-common is already the newest version (1.6.6-1). 
└─# meson setup builddir 
meson.build:254:2: ERROR: Dependency "json-glib-1.0" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake 
>> - GNOME-DB support 
> This is obsolete and should be removed 
>> - Psiconv support 
> This is for Psion file format support. Not sure it is still very 
useful. You need to install it from sources, apparently not provided by 
ok, will put it aside, 
>> - PDF documentation
'--enable-pdfdocs' was missing in my configure options,  
will try moving on ... :-) 
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