please check in the following places for the choice of currency

In Preferences : Reports: Default Report Currency
In Report: Balance Sheet: Options: Commodities

Saludos Cordiales


From: gnucash-user 
<> on behalf of 
Financial EpGhana <>
Sent: 16 February 2025 09:18
To: <>
Subject: [GNC] GBP shown in Balance sheet (setup is GHS)

Dear team,
I have a problem with the Balance sheet report. I have set up GHS as a
currency but in a
Balance sheet report I also can see GBP. Why is this happening (please see
in attachment)?

I also can't understand why Description is a fixed column, it is so basic
and simple, and yet
again it is a problem....

Petrovic Jovan, dipl.oec.
Financial Controller
Energoprojekt Ghana Limited

Spintex Road No. 98, Accra Ghana
Mob (Ghana): +233 20 9030 435
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