That said I was able to modify the Import matcher window to allow
multiple selections using the CTRL and Shift keys and then assign a
selected transfer account to the selection of multiple transactions. I
remember looking at the registers at the time to see if it could be
easily implemented there, but if I remember correctly at the time the
code for the registers (single line ledger, autosplit,transaction
journal modes in particular) somehow made doing that difficult. It was
distinctly easier in the import window because the account being
imported into was fixed.  It is less clear in the case of the register
which split, particularly where there are three or more splits to a
The selection to which the change of transfer account would have to be
of specific splits in each transaction to which another account is to
be assigned to which makes the code a lot more complex than in the case
of the import matcher window.  Also the autosplit mode only displays
the split entries for the currently selected transaction and the split
lines are added dynamically if my memory still serves me, which would
make checking that the selection does not include splits you don't want
to change very difficult.

It may be worth taking a second look however as this does come up every
now and then

On Wed, 2025-02-12 at 07:40 +1100, Liz wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Feb 2025 12:21:20 +0300
> sunfish62--- via gnucash-user <> wrote:
> > I'd go a different route. In your register window sorted by
> > description so the following:
> > 
> > 1) Edit one transaction with the new account, and before leaving,
> > CTRL-C the complete transfer account name. Save the transaction. It
> > will disappear from the register. 
> > 
> > 2) I'm the next transaction, highlight the transfer field, press
> > CTRL-V to paste the new account name, and press enter several times
> > to commit the transaction. 
> > 
> > Repeat step 2 until all phone transactions are gone from the
> > register. 
> > 
> > Although it sounds odious, this process can go pretty quickly. 
> > 
> > ⁣David T.​
> I agree. Watch a video or listen to some agreeable music while you
> punch the keys.
> Liz
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