On 1/17/2025 12:47 PM, William Prescott wrote:
While I agree that it seems somewhat unusual to save data files to the desk 
top, I take exception to any generalization about how people use the desktop. 
Personally, I don't put anything on it, and find it odd when I see someone's 
machine with rows and rows of icons on their desktop. But personal preferences 
vary. Perhaps different OSes tend to encourage different strategies as well.

Best wishes,

Maybe misunderstanding me? Yes, some people would want an ICON on their desktop to give quick access to a data object (or folder of data objects). But that does not mean the object itself has to be in the desktop folder. If you look at the icons on your desktop you will probably notice a fundamental difference (Windows OS). Some of the icons have a little box with an arrow in it at the lower left corner of the icon. Others might not have that box with arrow.

All of the icons without the box/arrow represent things that ARE in the desktop folder (and so appear on the desktop). All the ones with the box/arrow are shortcuts/pointers to something that might be elsewhere (usually is elsewhere).

Essentially all the icons that STAY on my desktop are shortcuts/pointers. I might temporarily drop a data object onto the desktop while working on it.

Michael D Novack

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