> The starting balance is calculated from *all* the transactions in the
register that are marked as reconciled already.
> Past, present, and future (if you happen to accidentally create a
transaction in the future and reconcile it).

Thank you for your helpful answer.

On Sat, Nov 9, 2024 at 12:24 AM sunfis...@yahoo.com <sunfis...@yahoo.com>

> I see that your original question, "Where does the Starting Balance come
> from?" was not answered.
> The starting balance is calculated from *all* the transactions in the
> register that are marked as reconciled already. Past, present, and future
> (if you happen to accidentally create a transaction in the future and
> reconcile it).
> David T.
> On Nov 9, 2024, at 2:36 AM, Tom Balazs <tom123onl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I guess my situation has be anticipated
>> From the manual:
>>     Under some circumstances, it may be difficult or impossible to
>> determine why an account will
>> not reconcile. If you are unable to correct the discrepancy between your
>> books and a statement,
>> GnuCash includes a Balance button on the Toolbar that will automatically
>> create a balancing
>> entry for you in the amount that cannot be reconciled.
>>     To use this, carry out the full reconciliation (marking all
>> transactions that you can identify) and
>> then click this button. GnuCash will create a balancing entry for the
>> remaining discrepancy that
>> uses the Special Accounts:Orphan-XXX account (where "XXX" represents your
>> currency). The
>> Reconcile window will close; re-opening it will allow you to check the
>> newly-created balancing
>> entry and finish the process.
>> On Fri, Nov 8, 2024 at 2:10 PM Tom Balazs <tom123onl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  "Starting Balance (fixed from last reconciliation)"
>>>  I'm now trying to reconcile a statement which is earlier in time than the
>>>  (later) month I reconciled yesterday. Could that be messing up the
>>>  "starting balance" in the reconcile window?
>>>  I'm trying to reconcile a past credit card statement. This is one that I
>>>  think I reconciled in the past, but I'm going back a few months to track
>>>  down a discrepancy.
>>>  The transactions in the GnuCash reconcile window are now matched to the
>>>  transactions on the credit card statement.
>>>  In GnuCash, "Funds In" (the sum of the credit card payment and other
>>>  debits) matches the number on the credit card statement
>>>  In GnuCash, "Funds Out" (the sum of the charge transactions) matches the
>>>  number on the credit card statement
>>>  So that just leaves me to look at the "Reconcile Information"
>>>  Statement Date: the ending date for this cc statement
>>>  * Starting Balance: Where does the "starting balance" come from? *
>>>   ... Does GnuCash use a value from the previous time I reconciled? What if
>>>  I am now reconciling February, but last week I reconciled May?
>>>  Ending Balance: the "new balance" on my credit card statement
>>>  The "starting balance" could be why my "payments made" minus charges does
>>>  not match my monthly statement's "new balance".
>>>  The user manual says:
>>>  '5.8.1. Reconciling Information
>>>  The Reconcile Information dialog is used to indicate the closing Statement
>>>  Date and the Starting Balance (fixed from last reconciliation) and Ending
>>>  Balance from the statement. The Include Sub-accounts check-box is used if
>>>  one or more subaccounts are used to track the account you are reconciling.
>>>  The Enter Interest Payment button is used to add a transfer to the accounts
>>>  for an interest payment. If selected a dialog will be displayed to add the
>>>  Section, “Interest Payment” to the account.'
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