Hi Maf.

I understand reconciling the "Fund Out" - I compare the right part of the
window with what's stated on the credit card bill.
I have a hard time understanding the reconciliation of the "Funds In" part:
when I reconcile the right part, I do have the old "Funds In" on the
right... the one I used for reconciling the previous month...

So to me it feels like some sort of "delayed" reconciliation. First I agree
on the "Funds Out" comparing the credit card bill of this month. Then the
next month I will reconcile again the Funds Out with the credit card bill -
but at the same time I have to reconcile the "previous" "Funds In"?

Sorry, but maybe this is a lack of accounting knowledge on my end :-(



Am Mo., 23. Sept. 2024 um 23:29 Uhr schrieb Maf. King <m...@chilwell.net>:

> On Monday, 23 September 2024 18:31:48 BST Boniforti Flavio wrote:
> > Oh, ok!
> > So I have to tick "R"econcile on the left part (Funds In) as well?!
> Indeed,
> > by doing so it lets me finish the reconciliation.
> > Now I'm curious to understand why it has to be done like this - can you
> > explain?
> > F.
> To "reconcile" means (more or less) "to come to an agreement"
> You and the bank come to "agree" on the state of your account at some
> point in
> time..... You "reconcile" your version against their statement.  If (for
> example) they have charged you twice for something, then you tell them and
> hopefully get a resolution you are happy with.
> naturally, you want to agree on both funds in and funds out of the account!
> HTH,
> Maf.
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