Hey y'all -
I'm doing a round of quarterly (yes I'm late for Q2/early for Q3) updates,
and the QFX I have downloaded from my retirement account manager
(TIAA/CREF) contains no actual transactions, only position updates with
prices. This is correct, I've recently retired, so contributions have

When I import the file in my standard book, nothing seems to happen.
Checking the terminal (I'm a Linux user and launch from there) I see some
INFO lines from LibOFX of the form "Created OfxDummyContainer to hold
unsupported aggregate FOOBAR" for various values of FOOBAR. Nothing else

If I import into a brand new book, I get all the dialog prompts for
creating securities and accounts, then ... nothing. The accounts and
securities get created, but there are no transactions (expected) and no
entries in the price database.

Running with --debug shows a bunch of info, and three errors related to

* 15:55:51 ERROR <gnc.import> [ofx_proc_transaction_cb()] The transaction
doesn't have a valid amount
* 15:55:51 ERROR <gnc.import> [ofx_proc_transaction_cb()] The transaction
doesn't have a valid amount
* 15:55:51 ERROR <gnc.import> [ofx_proc_transaction_cb()] The transaction
doesn't have a valid amount

Digging into the QFC w/ ofxdump, I see exactly three transactions, all of
type TRANSFER, with # of units: 0.000, and a memo of "Balance Update" so I
think we can ignore them.

What I'm interested in is there are a bunch of ofx_proc_position entries,
with Unit prices and Date of Unit Price. Was hoping these would be imported
into the price database.

Digging through the code in gnucash/import-export/ofx/* I see nothing about
positions. Heading deeper down the rabbit hole, I see libofx added support
for POSITION entries in v 0.10.0 (2021).
So I guess if I want convenient import of security prices, I'll have to
brush up my C++ skills, and dust off the compiler.

Any words of wisdom from more experienced GnuCash users, here?

Ross Reedstrom
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