* On 2024 19 Jul 18:50 -0500, John Ralls wrote:
> As I said, I see that as a documentation issue. The column labels have
> to be terse and we can’t use per-item tooltips in the long run because
> the Gtk folks have pulled them from Gtk4. It’s not great that Geert
> changed the headings for the amount columns from Deposit and
> Withdrawal to Amount and Amount(negated) but forgot to change the
> intro screen to reflect it.
If GTK4 is demonstrably worse for non-GNOME applications, why use it?
Non-GNOME applications should remain on GTK3.  Time and time again GNOME
people have insinuated that GTK is only intended for GNOME and not
really for third party/independent applications.  I state this as one
who dutifully ported a niche app from GTK2 to GTK3 and learned what a
train wreck GTK4 is for such an app and am entirely discouraged about
the future of GTK.

What was the rationale for changing column names from deposit/withdrawal
to this ambiguous wording?  Already GNC's column layout is opposite of
the manual check registers I've been using for 40+ years and that leads
to mistakes in one or the other for me so the last thing that is needed
is more ambiguity.

Apologies if I'm missing something by jumping in so late.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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