On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 5:43 PM Tommy Trussell <tommy.truss...@gmail.com>

> On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 4:37 PM J. A. Harris <prod...@harrisja.us> wrote:
> > On 3/17/24 15:54, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> > > Those are "commodities"
> >
> > I am aware of that.  Currencies, Funds, and NYSEs are all particular
> > types of Commodities. There is no current support in gnucash for
> > defining Commodities other than those three types.
> >
> I wanted to keep track of mileage for corporate reimbursement purposes, so
> I created a "FUND" with the symbol "Miles" abbreviated "M," and I created a
> Liability account called Mileage, whose currency is Miles, with a contra
> liability account called "Driving Owed," whose currency is Dollars. Every
> time I enter "Miles" in the register, I make sure its exchange value in
> Driving Owed dollars matches the current IRS reimbursement rate (which can
> sometimes change multiple times during the year).
> When the company does a reimbursement for Driving Owed, a bank transaction
> happens so the contra account to Driving Owed is the corporate bank
> account.
> Maybe this is a perversion of the system somehow, but it seems to work for
> me.
> It seems if you wanted to keep track of Credit Card Points or Airline Miles
> or whatever, you could create a similar "currency" or "fund" that matches
> your specification. But I presume there is some reason it doesn't work for
> you in the same way mileage does in my example.
You're not alone; I do something similar; for tracking the bonus points for
retailer "Fred", I created a "stock"  with the Symbol FBP (Fred Bonus
Points) and use it to track points in and out of the bonus account.

Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
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