On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 4:37 PM J. A. Harris <prod...@harrisja.us> wrote:

> On 3/17/24 15:54, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> > Those are "commodities"
> I am aware of that.  Currencies, Funds, and NYSEs are all particular
> types of Commodities. There is no current support in gnucash for
> defining Commodities other than those three types.

I wanted to keep track of mileage for corporate reimbursement purposes, so
I created a "FUND" with the symbol "Miles" abbreviated "M," and I created a
Liability account called Mileage, whose currency is Miles, with a contra
liability account called "Driving Owed," whose currency is Dollars. Every
time I enter "Miles" in the register, I make sure its exchange value in
Driving Owed dollars matches the current IRS reimbursement rate (which can
sometimes change multiple times during the year).

When the company does a reimbursement for Driving Owed, a bank transaction
happens so the contra account to Driving Owed is the corporate bank account.

Maybe this is a perversion of the system somehow, but it seems to work for

It seems if you wanted to keep track of Credit Card Points or Airline Miles
or whatever, you could create a similar "currency" or "fund" that matches
your specification. But I presume there is some reason it doesn't work for
you in the same way mileage does in my example.

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