In both situations where you provided screenshots (Equity & Expenses)
you have recorded equal and offsetting transactions, which balance to
ZERO, which is why you see $0.00 on the Accounts tab. (note the
respective account balance columns - that is what is reported on the
Accounts tab)
While you are learning GnuCash, here is my recommendation:
Go to the View menu and select Transaction Journal. This will show all
splits for all transactions at all times. This view is more like using
Pen & Paper Journals.
I suspect you are trying to 'balance' your transactions with separate
entries, without realizing, GnuCash is helping you do so. My suggestion
should be sufficient to illustrate this. You can also use View >
Auto-Split which will only show the splits when you have a transaction
in 'focus' with the mouse/keyboard.
There is no need for anyone to mess with Zoom to help you with this.
On 2/7/24 8:43 AM, accounting Billing wrote:
I did read the manual and understand the double entry. But how come the
software is not recording and showing any transactions?
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