That is a question best answered to your satisfaction and understanding by using the software.

Download the Manual and the Tutorial & Concepts guide, launch GnuCash and start playing around a bit. (enter manually at first and hold off on downloads and imports until you get familiar with the basics)

You'll have more than just your source accounts, you'll also have accounts for expenses, other assets (house, car, investments), income, and other liabilities (loans).

I highly recommend the following as you are just starting out:

1. Turn on Transaction Journal View. (per register in the View menu, or as a global default preference) This will help you visually learn double-entry accounting.

2. Turn on Double-Line mode. (same) This will give you a transaction-level notes field.

3. Do not combine *anything* from bills or receipts. Enter each line item separately assigned to their respective accounts, even if each line in the transaction goes to the same account.

4. #3 includes tax. Unless you are in a tax inclusive jurisdiction and *do not* need to track it, it is much easier to enter tax as its own line item assigned to a tax expense account than to try to distribute that tax amongst the various other line items.

5. Enter as much descriptive info for each line item as you can stand in the Memo for each 'split'.

While #3–5 sound like a lot of effort, you'll find the auto-complete feature will start to do most of the work for you. And invariably, at some point in the future, you will want to 're-categorize' spending to different accounts at some point as you get more familiar with the software. If line items are combined, you won't be able to do so unless you retained the original receipt/bill or a copy of it with that level of detail.

No.4 will save you lots of time and needless math. This will be readily apparent for receipts that cover multiple expense accounts. (BigBox retailers especially)

No.5 will come in handy in the future when analyzing spending, but also for when you invariably decide you want to re-categorize it. That level of detail will assist you greatly.


Most folks here are happy to assist and answer any questions you have, but at some point, you're just going to have to make the effort to use the software and see for yourself. Your understanding of the answer will also be much better than just reading it.


On 1/8/24 11:33 AM, barry milliken wrote:
How does Gnucash allow me display my source accounts separately?

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