On Tue, 28 Nov 2023 at 15:55, Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:

> David, I could be mistaken, but I think this is influencing your
> reporting problem. (if the A/P side looks like what you posted below
> concerning A/R)
> Assets:A/R
> --Assets:A/R (GBP)
> --Assets:A/R (USD)
> --Assets:A/R (EUR)

That looks very logical, but would mean unposting and reposting every
single transaction. But it is very clear to both me and my account.

> or perhaps more simply:
> Assets:A/R
> --Assets:A/R (USD)
> --Assets:A/R (EUR)
> Where each child is specifically set to those named currencies and the
> parent A/R is in your book currency. (assuming GBP here)

As I wrote before, I don't understand this one. If I put GBP transactions
in Assets:A/R, that's no different to what I have now. It would however be
much easier, as only non-GBP transaction would need to be reposted, not
every single one. But the former looks clearer.

My accountant is happy with the accounts, having worked out himself what
the issues were, but he did not use my reports. He is going to phone me
within the next few days.

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