Thanks.  I’ll keep an eye out for it, and try that if it happens again.  I have 
Xcode and the command line tools installed on that machine, so if it happens, I 
can try that.

It was several weeks before instances so far.

> On Jan 30, 2023, at 5:16 PM, John Ralls <> wrote:
>> On Jan 30, 2023, at 11:43 AM, R. Victor Klassen <> wrote:
>> Twice now I’ve had a totally new failure mode.  For whatever reason Gnucash 
>> crashes and then when I reopen it crashes faster than I can say jack 
>> Robinson.  Looking in the crash report it is failing to satisfy itself with 
>> the code signing and aborting.   I reinstall and the problem is resolved.  
>> Or is it?  It recurred about two weeks later. 
>> I don’t know enough about Apple’s codes signing to see how this could even 
>> happen.  The signature should not be something that can be changed.  
>> Anyone else see anything like this?
> The signature can't be changed, but the thing that's signed can. If you do 
> then the signature becomes invalid and Gatekeeper will fail to validate it.
> AFAICT codesign only signs mach-o binaries, that is the GnuCash and AQBanking 
> executables in Contents/MacOSX/ and the shared libraries (*.dylib) and 
> loadable modules (*.so) in Contents/Resources/lib.
> You can get some information about what if anything is wrong with the 
> signature with 
>  spctl --assess -vv /Applications/
> If everything is OK it will print
>  /Applications/ accepted
>  source=Notarized Developer ID
>  origin=Developer ID Application: John D Ralls (Y9EHT5WMK7)
> I don't know if codesign is installed without the command-line tools or 
> Xcode, but if you have it you can get a lot more information with
>  codesign -dvvv /Applications/
> including what component's signature is invalid.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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