Well actually, no, I hadn't, but not because I didn't think of it.

I skipped it because I'm using a French chart of accounts in the file I'm
testing with, and so it was already called "Capitaux propres", which is
French for Equity.

However, as an example, the Balance Sheet from my (English install of)
GnuCash shows :

Passif                  $0.00
      Marge de crédit           $0.00   
Total Liabilities                       $0.00
Capitaux propres                        $0.00
      Ouverture         $890.04 
Retained Losses                 $313.84
Total Equity                    $576.20
Total Liabilities & Equity                      $576.20

(I'm keeping this current test with English localization but a French chart
of accounts so it's easier to see what's coming from the localization vs the
CoA. But the same problem exists in both full English and full French
Note the last three lines are all from the localization, and it's the last
two that are not appropriate for non-profits in Canada (because non-profits
can't have Equity).


* By the way, I am very happily surprised with how seamlessly GnuCash deals
with mixed language environments. I was very apprehensive about things
getting garbled, but it's performed exactly the way one would hope. We can
create French books with English GnuCash (and vice versa), then work on them
in either language, and print out reports in either language too (although
open reports don't seem to survive the file being opened in the other
language -- you have to recreate them).

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user  On Behalf Of Adrien Monteleone
Sent: July 05, 2022 12:40 PM
To: gnucash-u...@lists.gnucash.org
Subject: Re: [GNC] Terminology for Non-profits

Did you try changing the name of the Equity account to 'Net Assets'?


On 7/4/22 6:33 PM, Paul Kroitor wrote:
> Most of the entities we use GnuCash for are non-profits, and here (at 
> least) non-profits don't have "Equity". They have "Net Assets", which 
> is the same thing but doesn't imply there are owners behind the 
> internal value to the operation.
> The upshot is that every report we produce that shows Equity must be 
> printed to a file, massaged to replace Equity with Net Assets, and printed
> This is a longshot, but is there any way to have all the reports 
> tweaked to do this once and for all? Ideally, something in the Book 
> options (ie Properties menu) as not all the sets of books here are

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