Il 22/03/21 21:25, David Cousens ha scritto: In that case just credit paypal:usd for US$5.56 and debit the paypal:eur account for the relevant amount in euros at the date Paypal made the transfer (Paypal will usually have the exchange rate somewhere in the massive CSV file if you download their activity statement). If you enter the USD and EUR amounts for the USD and EUR paypal accounts when you create the transaction GNuCash should generate a price entry with the exchange rate in the price database.
David, hi. Indeed that's precisely what I have done, it was this transaction (from the USD side): paypal:usd / paypal:eur) -5.66 (it was 5â¬, I think). At the end of the year close the paypal:usd to Capital:USD and in the new book create the new paypal:usd in the new book with an opening balance of USD:0.88 against the transferred balance for Capital:USD in your new book just as you would for any other asset. Paypal:USD is an asset and, as such, I simply carry it over without closing. Just as you say, it will be opened for 0.88 against Capital:USD. I only close Income and Expense accounts, in order to get an economic result value, and then "Results:*" to "Capital:*" to derive the initial Capital values for the following year. Expenses:USD:IT only has one entry, 6.54, and this account gets closed to Results:USD which gets closed to Capital:USD which gets 6.54 as value. It is the result of this account which is a bit perplexing: I know I had at the end of 2020 only 0.88USD yet the capital shows 6.54 because of a credit note. So now the questions are: is that correct? Can I leave the rest there and only use 0.88 to open Paypal:USD? If not, which type of account holds the unused capital? I hope it is now clear what I am trying to understand. If the transaction sequence is still murky, I'll try to create a composition of screenshots to show the whole story. Thanks, Andrea _______________________________________________ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see for more information. ----- Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.