I am really struggling with this.  Creating and paying a Credit Note does
indeed reduce the income appropriately.  However, the Customer Report shows
a Totals increase instead of a reduction.  Here is my situation.  I use
GnuCash to manage income and expenses for a non-profit organization
(actually a community band). Our members pay monthly dues, and frequently
people pay quarterly, semi-annually, and even annually.  Therefore several
people paid in advance at the beginning of the year. Now that COVID has
prevented us from meeting since the end of March, I would like to refund the
dues over payments to those members who have paid in advance (beyond the
first quarter). 

At the end of each quarter, I print Customer Reports for each member to show
how much they have paid. I create and Pay Invoices to show their payments on
the Customer Report.  The statements accumulate so that the last one of the
year shows everything that was paid for the year. I would like for the
refunded payments to reduce the Totals at the bottom of the Customer Report,
but instead the refunds look like additional payments, increasing the Total,
instead of Reducing them.  What can I do to show the refunds correctly?

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