The the Balance Forecast report in the Asset menu.

On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 at 17:49, Chris Gifford <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am relatively new to Linux computing and new to GNU Cash and
> considering to move from Microsoft Money. However, Microsoft Money has
> the capability to graph future cash flow based on scheduled transactions
> for any date range. It also has the capability of changing one scheduled
> transaction in the future.  The only app that even comes close to this
> capability is Quicken, however it only allows you to change the next
> transaction.  And it has a lot of flaws that MS Money does not.
> I am hoping there is a way to add this type of capability to GNU Cash,
> however, I don't even see any  charts in the default set of reports,
> only HTML based text reports.  I understand GNU Cash is open source and
> I am programmer but before I even start a project of this magnitude, I
> was wondering if anyone has tried creating charts such as the one below
> and if so what the process is.
> Thank you for any input provided.
> MS Money Cash Flow Forecast
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