There are several charts in the Reports menu.
Also, see if the Reports > Future Scheduled Transactions Summary is
along the lines of what you are looking for. (in a report that is)
Of course, you can always craft exactly what you want and add it as a
custom report.
Another option is to export a report or copy/paste a report to a
spreadsheet for further manipulation and/or graphing.
And one more: you can post future dated transactions, then craft a
report to only use the future dates.
Finally, have you taken a look at the budget module? It has the ability
to estimate your individual accounts based on the transaction history in
your book. It will show you thus a projection of net income and/or you
can run a Budget Report to compare budget to actual as needed.
On 11/23/20 11:47 AM, Chris Gifford wrote:
Hello all,
I am relatively new to Linux computing and new to GNU Cash and
considering to move from Microsoft Money. However, Microsoft Money has
the capability to graph future cash flow based on scheduled transactions
for any date range. It also has the capability of changing one scheduled
transaction in the future. The only app that even comes close to this
capability is Quicken, however it only allows you to change the next
transaction. And it has a lot of flaws that MS Money does not.
I am hoping there is a way to add this type of capability to GNU Cash,
however, I don't even see any charts in the default set of reports,
only HTML based text reports. I understand GNU Cash is open source and
I am programmer but before I even start a project of this magnitude, I
was wondering if anyone has tried creating charts such as the one below
and if so what the process is.
Thank you for any input provided.
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