To be clear, a transaction can involve *more* than two accounts.

I’m trying to ascertain if you have that case (it is not uncommon) and if any 
of these will be effected by your deletions. That fact will change the 
recommended procedure.


> On Mar 8, 2020 w11d68, at 9:30 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <> wrote:
> Yes, it is blank, because you missed this step:
>>>       -then change the “Search for items where” to “any criteria are met”
> Thus, with ‘all criteria’ you’re asking it to return transactions where ‘all' 
> of those accounts have splits in the *same* transaction, of which there are 
> none.
> By changing it to ‘any criteria’ you are asking for all transactions where 
> ‘any’ of those accounts have splits.
> Still though, to make sure I don’t advise you in a way that makes a mess, see 
> my earlier question about what other accounts are involved. I see you aren’t 
> using View > Transaction Journal, so go ahead and turn that on first. (it is 
> also possible to do some find operations to check this if needed)
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Mar 8, 2020 w11d68, at 9:20 PM, Gio Bacareza <> wrote:
>> Hi Adrien, thanks for this. I really appreciate it.
>> I've tried exactly what you have prescribed because that's how I thought I
>> understood Find - All Accounts work. But alas it has always returned a
>> blank result. (screenshots attached)
>> [image: image.png]
>> [image: image.png]
>> [image: image.png]

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