You can add a 'Total(period)' column that will give you YTD without having to 
close books. (and of course hide the standard ’Total’ column if you don’t need 


> On Mar 4, 2020 w10d64, at 4:55 PM, Stephen M. Butler <> wrote:
> On 3/4/20 10:56 AM, David Carlson wrote:
>> iirc, it is one transaction with a gazillion splits.  Thus it should also
>> be easy to temporarily change the date to Jan 1 or the day after your
>> fiscal year ends, run your report, then change it back or close without
>> saving.
>> David Carlson
> Two transactions:   One for Expenses and one for Income.  Still very
> easy to deal with.
> I do close my books just so that the Expense and Income accounts on the
> accounts tab will reflect the YTD amounts rather than LTD.
> If you do have to make a change to a prior year, it is easy to delete
> the affected pair of transactions and re-close that particular year.
> To me, it is cleaner.  To each their own.

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