On 3/4/20 10:56 AM, David Carlson wrote:
> iirc, it is one transaction with a gazillion splits.  Thus it should also
> be easy to temporarily change the date to Jan 1 or the day after your
> fiscal year ends, run your report, then change it back or close without
> saving.
> David Carlson

Two transactions:   One for Expenses and one for Income.  Still very
easy to deal with.

I do close my books just so that the Expense and Income accounts on the
accounts tab will reflect the YTD amounts rather than LTD.

If you do have to make a change to a prior year, it is easy to delete
the affected pair of transactions and re-close that particular year.

To me, it is cleaner.  To each their own.

> On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 11:52 AM Fred Bone <fred.b...@dial.pipex.com> wrote:
>> On 03 March 2020 at 17:50, Uttam Chakravorty said:
>>>>    1. Re:  show previous years totals on account page?
>>>>       (Adrien Monteleone)
>>>>    "you can run the multicolumn Income Statement, from the Reports >
>>>> Experimental menu. Select a range of several years in Options > General
>>>> and also set Period duration to ‘Year’"
>>> The topic and Adrien's advice resonated so I had to have a go.  And it
>>> works well.
>>> However, I did a 'close books' on 31st December 2018 (year = Jan - Dec).
>>>   I am therefore getting nothing in the 2018 column and assume I won't
>> get
>>> anything even in the 2019 (Dec 2019) once I close it.  This is not too
>>> horrible as I keep the html reports.  However, I would like to know if
>> I'm
>>> missing a trick or just being stupid.
>> You can always delete the closing transactions - probably best done from
>> the relevant Equity account, as they're easily found there.
>> If you want them back, it's easy enough to re-do the "close books". Or,
>> if you're using the XML file format, just reopen the file without saving
>> it.
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