> On 29 Aug 2019, at 22:47, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:
>> On Aug 29, 2019, at 9:26 AM, Axel Essbaum <a...@essbaum.com> wrote:
>> Also, just to be clear, after setting:
>> defaults write -app /Applications/Gnucash.app AppleLocale 'en_GB.UTF-8’
>> I get the right thousands separator and decimal, but the currency shows as 
>> SFr. despite setting currency in GnuCash / Prefs / Accounts and Reports to 
>> CHF.  Not sure if this gives some insight into the problem, that GC's own 
>> prefs are being ignored.
>> GC actually sticks to SFr. no matter what I change AppleLocale OR the macOS 
>> UI prefs 
> Ah! As Adrien pointed out, "SFr." is the Display Symbol for Swiss Franc. You 
> can change it to something else in Tools>Security Editor. Turn on "show 
> national currencies", find CHF in the list, and double-click it.
> The lack of a space is because in the UK it's normal to write £1 rather than 
> £ 1. You might be able to work around that by including a trailing space in 
> the CHF display symbol.

CHF + the trailing space worked!!  Hallelujah.

Thank you John!!

- Axel
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