Making sure all registers have you in the next blank transaction before exiting 
should also do the trick. Or close them all before saving/exiting. Then if you 
try to close a register that is being edited, you’ll fire the warning right 
away and know which one it is. (just a workflow ‘workaround’ mind you, some 
visual indicator or text in the warning would be nice)


> On Jun 7, 2019, at 4:40 AM, David Carlson <> wrote:
>> Does this mean that it is still possible in a SQLite database to start a
> transaction edit, then, without committing it, navigate to another account
> register and edit another transaction?  If so, when does the first
> transaction edit finally get committed?  The difficulty with finding those
> un-committed edits in the XML data version is the reason for my 'blinking'
> proposal.
> The method that I currently use is to start a manual File  > Save, then, if
> there is a pop-up indicating a need to save or cancel an edit, try to guess
> which tab I need to look under for the offending edit,  When I think I have
> the right tab, press the Tab key to see if I am in the un-committed
> transaction.  If the warning re-appears, I am there.  If not, maybe it is
> in another tab, perhaps a search tab.  This is hardly efficient.
> It would also be helpful if any transaction edit action somehow changed the
> appearance of that transaction so that the need to commit is more obvious.
> -- 
> David Carlson

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