There's also cutting, using either ctrl/cmd-X or Edit>Cut Split?
John Ralls

> On Jun 5, 2019, at 3:04 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <> wrote:
> Update on the bug.
> I just tested this under the following circumstance:
> 1. I started entering a transaction with a description that produced an 
> auto-fill of several splits.
> 2. The auto-fill contained 2 splits anchoring to the current register.
> 3. Attempting to right-click and ‘delete split’, using the toolbar button, or 
> using the Transaction > Delete Split menu entry on the 1st anchoring split 
> fired the warning and told me I *cannot* delete this split. My only choice 
> was to accept this, leave the split in place and proceed.
> 4. Attempting to delete the second anchoring split, by either means, was 
> successful, without warning, and without blowing up the transaction, because 
> there was a previous anchoring split still tying it to the current register - 
> results as expected.
> I also tested a fresh transaction with a new description and deleted the 
> anchor split. It erased the transaction completely. Perhaps it should either 
> still fire the warning, or at least leave you editing the transaction without 
> deleting date/num/description/notes, et cetera until you hit Enter to commit.
> Finally, I tested entering another split into a fresh transaction, without 
> putting any memo or amount on the anchoring split. When I tried to delete the 
> anchoring split, I received the warning and was not allowed to delete it.
> So it seems the last of the inconsistent behavior is when entering a fresh 
> transaction and trying to delete the anchor split before entering other 
> splits. I’ll file a bug on this shortly.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jun 5, 2019, at 4:51 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Jun 5, 2019, at 3:06 PM, David Carlson <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I might as well get this debate started now.  Another thread has started a
>>> discussion about unsplitting transactions, pointing out that there is an
>>> inconsistency between using the various  Transaction > [edit] Split keys
>>> and the conventional keystroke editing method using the Tab key to navigate
>>> around a transaction.
>>> I think there should be a warning for any editing action that deletes a
>>> split line, including tabbing off the anchor line.  Obviously, edits to
>>> correct account assignment errors must be allowed and not be overly
>>> encumbered by unnecessary warnings.
>> David,
>> As I recently (a few minutes ago) noted in that other thread, this is 
>> allegedly fixed as of 3.4. ( 
>> Perhaps the commit didn’t work as expected. I’m getting ready to test it.
>>> GnuCash, at least in the 2.6.xx series usually prohibits leaving a
>>> transaction that contains pending edits without using the Enter key to
>>> commit the edits, but it has some exceptions which set up some difficult
>>> situations when finally trying to do a manual File > Save.  At that point
>>> it asks if you want to save edits in some register view which may even be
>>> accidental edits or keystrokes that would delete desired data.
>>> The most common action (for me) that sets this up is to start an edit in
>>> some register then navigate to another register without first saving the
>>> pending edit.  This easily happens if the user is reviewing results from
>>> the Since Last Run assistant especially if a cat crosses the keyboard.
>> Using Sqlite backend, of course I get instant saves so I don’t see this 
>> issue anymore, but that sort of ambiguous ’save edits’ question is 
>> disconcerting if you are pretty sure you’ve committed all transactions, and 
>> now you’re being told you haven’t.
>>> I can see the reasoning that often users may need to view other registers
>>> to compare the transaction currently being edited to something else, so I
>>> do not want to prevent that.  I would propose that the tabs containing
>>> pending edits flash in some way to catch the user's attention so he can
>>> find his way back to see if it was cat-tracks or a real pending edit.
>> Interesting idea. Though this might interfere with the custom tab colors, I 
>> like the idea of some visual indicator that something has been edited and 
>> needs attention. (perhaps a bold or italic typeface change?) Flashing 
>> however I would not be in favor of.
>>> There are also a couple of cases where attempting to cancel a pending edit
>>> does not correctly restore the transaction to the previous state which
>>> could be fixed at the same time other pending edit behavior is addressed.
>> Sounds like a bug.
>>> Another situation where pending edit behavior is inconsistent is when
>>> editing scheduled transactions, the Enter key may or may not save the edit,
>>> depending on which field the focus happens to be in.  I think that the
>>> enter key should always save pending edits.
>> Again, I’d think a bug. I would expect Enter to always commit an edit. 
>> (especially since the Help manual says as much, or so I recall last time I 
>> read it)
>>> Finally, I will throw out a radical suggestion that all edits get their own
>>> new window instead of happening within a certain register view with a
>>> certain "anchor" account which has special behavior compared to other split
>>> lines.  This Edit window would not be tied to any account and would be
>>> obviously not saved as long as it exists.
>> This already exists as the ‘General Journal’ (Tools menu) It’s your choice 
>> to use it. Though it is not implemented for only the currently edited 
>> transactions, but the entirety of your data file.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
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